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Monday 4 November 2019

March 2019 International current affairs | international current affairs PDF free download | current affairs study material

March 2019 International current affairs | international current affairs PDF free download | current affairs study material

Internationalized March 2019

Gun bans in New Zealand

Current Affairs bans guns in New Zealand New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on March 21 that it would immediately ban all semi-automatic guns, similar to guns and military-style guns. The decision was made following a recent terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand. A white man opened fire on two mosques in Christchurch on March 15, killing 50 people.

Quick Review:

What: Prohibition on guns in New Zealand
When: March 21st
Who: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Why: In the wake of the terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand

Chaddys into the Oxford Dictionary

The famed Oxford has added a new word to its English dictionary, the term 'chaddis' used in Indian English. The Oxford Dictionary has been given the meaning of short trousers and underwear. The term was popularized by British Indian actors Mira Sall and Sanjeev Bhaskar in the series 'Goodness Gracious Mimicry'. In the 1990s, the Goodness Gracie series was broadcast on the BBC. Oxford added a few other words to its dictionary. Most of them are native words used in Scotland and Wales. Oxford has added a total of 650 words to its dictionary.

Deadly boat crash in Iraq

Deadly boat crash in Mosul, Iraq A ship on the Tegris River flipped into the river on March 21. Over 100 people lost their lives in the disaster. Authorities rescued about 55 passengers. Iraqi Health Minister Saif-al-Badr said there were more than 150 passengers on board the ship at the time of the accident. It more than doubled the ship's capacity. It was revealed that the Kurds had traveled from Mosul to Um-al-Rabin, a tourist island during the New Year's celebration of the Kurds.

Quick Review:

What: the deadly boat accident in Iraq
When: March 21st
Where: Tegris River, Mosul, Iraq

50 people killed in Mali ethnic clashes

Fifty people were killed in ethnic clashes in the African country of Mali.
On March 23, Dogon ethnic poachers attacked the village of Ogoussagou of the Fulani tribe in Mali. Indiscriminately firing guns and setting fire to homes. Fifty Fulani tribesmen lost their lives in the disaster. A Mali government official said: "There have been conflicts between the two tribes over the past few years over cattle grazing and water. Dogon hunters killed 37 Fulani people in a clash that occurred in January 2019.

Quick Review:

What: 50 people killed in ethnic clashes
When: March 23
Where: Ogoussagou Village, Mali

Approval for the US-Mexico border wall

The Pentagon (US Defense Department headquarters) on March 26 approved the release of $ 1 billion (approximately Rs. 6,900 crore) of funding for the construction of the wall along the US-Mexico border. This gave US President Donald Trump the opportunity to build a military-funded wall without US Congress approval. The wall will be built on the US-Mexico border, 92 kilometers long and 18 feet high. The bill was rejected after Trump introduced a bill in the US Congress demanding $ 5.7 billion to build the wall.

Quick Review:

What: A nod to the US-Mexico border wall
When: March 26
Who: Pentagon (US Department of Defense headquarters)
Where: America

Changing the name of the capital city of Kazakhstan

Current Affairs The capital city of Kazakhstan will be renamed Nursultan. On March 20, Parliament approved the conversion of the capital city's name to Nursultan in honor of former President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Kazakhstan's president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, unexpectedly resigned on March 19. Interim President Kazam Zomrat Tokayev proposed to change the capital's name as his first official move.

Quick Review:

What: The name of the capital city of Kazakhstan changed to Nursultan
When: March 20
Who: Kazakhstan Parliament
Why: In honor of the former President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

49 killed in New Zealand terror attack

Carnage in New Zealand, nicknamed the world's tranquility Massacre in New Zealand's mosques on Friday (March 15) 49 innocent civilians were killed in a terror attack on two mosques in Christchurch City. Another 20 were injured. According to the Indian High Commission in New Zealand, nine Indians have not been traced. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirmed that the attack was an act of terrorism. The distance between the al-Noor mosque and the Lynnwood Avenue mosque was about five kilometers, but the firing occurred at different times. It is not clear whether there was a single terrorist or two who opened fire on the two mosques.

Quick Review:

What: 49 terrorists killed in mosques in New Zealand
When: March 15
Where: Christchurch City, New Zealand

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