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Thursday 14 March 2013

Camberwell College of Arts

Camberwell College of Arts (formerly known as Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts) is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London, and is widely considered one of the world's leading art and design institutions. Located in Camberwell in south London, England, with two sites at Peckham Road and Wilson. It offers new and higher education programs, including postgraduate and PhD awards. The College has remained within the options of a single degree of Fine Arts, offering specialist Bachelor of Arts courses in painting, sculpture, photography and drawing. The College also offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in art conservation and fine arts and design courses such as graphic design, illustration and 3D design. It is especially becoming known as a leader in the education of contemporary illustration.


School history is finely intertwined with the South London Gallery, with which the College shares its site. Director of the School of the South London Working Men in 1868, William Rossiter, purchased the freehold of Portland House on which now stands the College in 1889. The resulting Gallery opened in 1891, followed by the Technical Institute, costume first school in 1898. The philanthropist, John Passmore Edwards, offered a large sum of money for the construction of the building in memory of Lord Leighton. The school and the gallery were the fruit of an artistic movement in Camberwell, supported by Edward Burne-Jones, Lord Leighton, Walter Crane and GF Watts. The school aimed to give the "best artistic and technical training to all classes in the district. Originally, the school offers classes in specific trades, such as architecture, cabinet design, embroidery, wood carving, wood block and stencilcutting. In 1920, the Department of Fine Arts was created.

During World War II, Victor Pasmore was appointed head of the Department of Painting of the school. Brought to William Coldstream, who in turn brought the RCA Joe Dixon and Claude Rogers. These three eminent painters of the Euston Road School, whose work was figurative, began an exciting period for the school. Many renowned artists, including Frank Auerbach, Lawrence Edward Ardizzone taught at Camberwell Gowingand during this period. Noted painter Robert Medley was head of painting in the 1960s. Ron Kitaj, Kenneth Martin, Patrick Procktor, Euan Uglow, Frank Bowling and David Hepher all taught in school during the 1960s and 70s. During this period, the School Department has a thriving art history, led by Conal Shields, that painters used as Harold Cohen and academics, including TJ Clark (historian). In 1973, the school expanded into a modern purpose built block with existing facilities. Both are listed buildings.

In the 1980s, Wendy Smith became the head of Fine Arts and employees Noel Forster, John Hilliard, Cornelia Parker, Gavin Jantjesand Ian McKeever. Tony Messenger and Eileen Hogan took over the graphics department, Eileen Hogan established and ran The Camberwell Press, and Eric Ayers presided typography schools them. Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts became a constituent college of the London Institute in 1986, formed by the Inner London Education Directorate associate London art, design, fashion and media schools in collegial structure. The school was renamed Camberwell College of Arts in 1989. During this restructuring Camberwell temporarily lost their fine arts courses, but by the time the London Institute was granted University status and was renamedUniversity of Arts in London in 2004, the department had been restored to the university. Known currently teaching at Camberwell artists include Richard Slee, Matt Franks, Brian Griffiths, Saskia Olde Wolbers, David Cross & Cross of Corn ford, Daniel Sturgis, and Hew Locke.


Research projects at the university refer to a series of ongoing debates and skills in areas such as the interface of new technologies and creative practice, transnational art, identity and nation, and the preservation of books and manuscripts Byzantines. Camberwell is part of the University of the Arts London and Research Network (RNUAL), which also includes the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London College of Communication and London College of Fashion.

Camberwell also has a number of prominent artists acting as researchers and teachers, as painters Humphrey Ocean andJohn Keane and ceramicist Julian Stair. With strong links with the local community, Camberwell has a purpose built community art and exhibit space designed by Penson in Peckham Peckham Square. This commission project "locative media projects linking new art, people and place of the creative experience." Camberwell also oversees in collaboration with the Arts Council of England, the current academic research John Latham, whose place of residence "Flat Time House" has recently been converted into a museum.


Camberwell is part of the University of the Arts London, and together with sister universities in the Chelsea College of Art and Design College of Art is andWimbledon CCW, a three university model allows each school to retain its own identity individually while allowing students to teaching and learning services through the three universities. CCW is the combination of foundation courses from the academic year in September 2011, and based on the campus of Wilson Road in Camberwell. Other Colleges of the University are Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London College of Communication and London College of Fashion.

Internationally, the College has links to other art schools and European universities, and students regularly participate in the stock ERASMUSeducational institutions in cities like Marseille, Leipzig, Milan and Madrid. In addition to a golf college has links with universities in Japan and the U.S., with students participating in projects in the New York Studio School, The New School for Design in New York, NY FIT and Yale School of Art

Peckham Space

Peckham Space is London's newest, purpose-built public gallery dedicated to commissioning site-specific artworks in collaboration with community groups. Located on Peckham Square, and part of Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London, seeks to promote progression routes for young people in creative higher education and increase access to educational and cultural activity in Peckham, London SE15. Peckham Space is funded by the Innovation Fund for Higher Education (HEIF), Southward Council and Arts Council England. The permanent headquarters, designed by Penson, opened in June 2010.

Natalie Brett, Dean of Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London, said: "Peckham Space is a unique development for the area and an exciting partnership between Camberwell College of Arts and Southward Council.'s A great opportunity for college to further develop its activities in the municipality creative supporting an exciting corner centered Peckham Square, and has the potential to be an internationally renowned for creative and innovative projects. "

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