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Thursday 14 March 2013

University of Aberystwyth Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science, founded in 1970, is known for his research in computational biology and Robotics

The RAE 2008 ranked the department 20 in the UK for Computer Science and Informatics.

The RAE 2008 has 70% of the research activity of the Department of Computer Science as "world-leading" or "internationally excellent", and the remaining 30% as "international recognition". The department was the only department of its kind in Wales has had all their research classified as "international quality".

AberMUD, the first popular Internet-based MUD, was written in this department of the university by the then student Alan Cox.

The department also has an Open Source computer course.

Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences

The Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences (IGES), formed in 1989 by former Departments of Geography (established in 1917) and Geology. EG Bowen level houses the library, which contains 80,000 maps and atlases 500. Aberystwyth says it was the first department to offer students individual degrees in human geography and physical geography. In the RAE 2008, the Institute in the top 12 departments of Geography in Britain, with 20% of its research rated "world leader" and 45% classified as "world leader" either or "internationally excellent".

Glacial Research, the most prominent theme of the Institute is carried out by the Centre for Glaciology, which has strong international links. This research has expanded to include the study and mapping glacial landforms on Mars.

Department of Information Studies

The School of Librarianship Wales (CLW) was established at Llanbadarn Fawr in 1964 in response to a recommendation for bilingual librarians formation that was made in the Bourdillon Report on Standards of public library service in England (HMSO, 1962). The university grew rapidly and claims to be the largest European institution for the training of librarians. The independent College merged with the University in August 1989. The new department has since introduced courses by open, distance and part-time to supplement the number of full-time students.

Since 1956, the university has also offered training in records management and document management, first as a Diploma course and since 1995 as a modular master run in collaboration with the National Library of Wales and the Ceredigion Record Office, contributing to the courses offered, support the practical work of students and assist in research projects.

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