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Thursday 14 March 2013

Anglia Ruskin University

Anglia Ruskin University is one of the largest in the East of England, UK, with a total student population of about 31,500. Its campus is located in Cambridge, Chelmsford and Peterborough, England, UK.


Anglia Ruskin University has its origins in the Cambridge School of Art, founded in 1858 byWilliam John Beamont. The keynote address was given by John Ruskin. The original location was near Sidney Sussex College, after moving to its present location near Mill Road, Cambridge. In 1960 he became the Cambridgeshire College of Arts and Technology (CCAT). In 1989 CCAT merged with the Essex Institute of Higher Education to form Anglia Higher Education College. The university became apolytechnic merged in 1991 with the name of Anglia Polytechnic, and then was awarded university status in 1992.

Initially Anglia Polytechnic University (APU), retained "polytechnic" of the word in its title because "'polytechnic' the term still had value to students and their potential employers, symbolizing as it did the kind of education that were known for - equipping students with effective skills practice for the world of work ", although in 2000 there was a little self-doubt about the inclusion of 'polytechnic' the term - that was the last university in the country has. Wanting to keep the abbreviation "APU", a proposal was submitted by the governors' previous Anglia University (after a former foreign minister), but the Governors decided to keep "polytechnic" in the title.

The University eventually reconsiders a name change because "Today, few remember the old polytechnics and technical colleges, and there was no longer any value to students or teachers in retaining" polytechnic "word in the title. De Indeed, it was often seen as an obstacle, especially in areas where non-professionals. " Of more than 200 suggestions and consultations with staff, students and local residents, communities and businesses, the University chose Anglia Ruskin University (incorporated in the title and the name of John Ruskin, who delivered the keynote address at the School of Art Cambridge), with the new name comes into force after approval by the Privy Council on 29 September 2005.

Earlier Teachers include Odile Crick, Francis Crick's wife; she created the simple iconic image of DNA as two intertwined ribbons linked by ten steps per turn of the double helix that appears in the Nature paper announcing the discovery of the structure. Author Tom Sharpe was Professor of History at CCAT between 1963 and 1972 and Anne Campbell, Labour MP for Cambridge from 1992 to 2005, served as Professor of Statistics at CCAT.

The center of Chelmsford campus closed in late 2007/8 academic, with all the facilities to move to the new buildings in the River mead campus in the city. Some facilities had begun to move to the end of the year 2005/6 academic when the site was sold to a private developer (with an agreement that the University could use the site until 2008), and a brief period of work demolition took a principles 2007. No more demolition took place until early 2010, when most of the aging buildings on the site were demolished. Three buildings were saved - the East Building (built 1931), Frederick Chancellor building (built 1902), and the Grade 2 listed Anne Knight building (built in the mid-19th century), which was used by the Quakers. The east and Frederick Chancellor buildings fall under a conservation area, which means it can not be demolished without planning permission as they are historically significant because of its uses in the early days of higher education in Essex. The site is currently vacant due to the recession stop development that had been planned for many years; however, new plans have been released by the Genesis Housing, which currently owns the site.

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