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Friday 1 November 2019

List of international boundary lines pdf free download | geography study material pdf

List of international boundary lines pdf free download | geography study material pdf

Radcliffe - India- Pakistan

Dyurandline - India- Pakistan- Afghanistan

McMahon - India- China

Hayden Bergline - East- West Germany

Sinstan - Turkey- Greece

Majinat - Germany- France

Odell nincy line - Germany- Poland

The Manorheim line - Russia - Finland

Siachen Glacier - Tension between India and Pakistan

Karakoram - Transport Road between China and Pakistan

17 degrees of latitude - North- South Vietnam

38 degrees latitude - North and South Korea (the world's most protected international border)

48 degrees latitude - America - Canada

24 degrees latitude - India- Pakistan

16 degrees of latitude - Namibia— Angola

49 degrees latitude - America - Canada

Hidden Bergline - Germany- Poland

River of RioGrandi - Mexico- America

Amur - China- Russia

Limpopo River - South Africa - Botswana, South Africa - Zimbabwe

The Zambezi River - Zambia- Zimbabwe

The Orange River - South Africa- Namibia

The Mekong River - Cambodia - Thailand

The Salvin River - Myanmar - Thailand

The Danube River - Romania, Bulgaria- Yugoslavia

The Uruguay River - Uruguay- Brazil

The Parana River - Paraguay- Argentina- Brazil

Sigprid - The border between Germany and France

Odell Nicey line - Germany— Poland

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