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Thursday 7 November 2019

Voyager-2 crossing the solar family's edges | voyager 2 speed | science and technology | science and technology current affairs

Voyager-2 crossing the solar family's edges | science and technology current affairs

The Voyager-2 spacecraft of the American Space Agency (NASA) has crossed the solar family.

Interstellar Space Medium (ISM) has reached the constellation of the Sun, on November 5, 2018. These facts were revealed by NASA on November 6, 2019. Voyager-2 became the second spacecraft to achieve that feat. Earlier, NASA's Voyager-1 passed over the solar family in 2012.

Voyager-2 features

Time traveled in space: 41 years

Speeds / miles per hour: 34,191

Voyager-2 distance from the sun: 1,770 crore kilometers ...

Total distance traveled: 3,000 crore kilometers

Number of planets visited: 4 (Jupiter, Saturn, Varuna, Neptune)

The time it takes for the sun's rays to reach Voyager: 16 hours and 36 minutes

Time to land from Voyager-2: 19 hours

There is a gold plaque Voyager-2 printed with a message for aliens. On the plaque, with the help of 14 special stars, where can the sun be found ?, the hydrogen atomic image and some other signs.

In 1977, NASA launched the Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 in a matter of weeks. The two spaceships emerged after nearly the same distance from the sun's impact. According to the University of Iowa scientist Billkurth, this means that the shape of the solar system is spherical.

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